Cavities are one of the most common dental issues kids and adults face. There are many factors that can contribute to cavity formation. Luckily, there are also many ways to help prevent them from forming. Keep reading to learn more about cavities!
What Is a Cavity?
Cavities are the byproduct of untreated dental decay. When food debris and bacteria aren’t cleaned off the teeth, they form into a sticky substance called plaque. When plaque reacts with bacteria, an acidic reaction occurs that starts to eat away at tooth enamel. Over time, the acids start to eat a hole in the tooth. This hole is known as a cavity.
Preventing Cavities
The best route is to do everything you can to prevent developing a cavity in the first place! There are some great preventive measures you can take on your own.
Avoid dry mouth
Brush daily with fluoridated toothpaste
Clean between teeth & gum line with floss
Drink a lot of water
Eat food packed with nutrients & vitamins
Visit the dentist for cleanings & exams
Cavity Reversal
If you catch a cavity early on, there is a chance you can reverse it without the need for dental treatment. Good oral hygiene with fluoridated products can help reverse early onset cavities and remineralize tooth enamel. Cavities can’t always be prevented, so it’s important to speak with your dentist if you think you may have a cavity.
Cavity Treatments
If a cavity can’t be reversed, there are some great treatment options available to help you get your oral health back on track. The following is a list of some of the services we offer at Prestige Family Dentistry.
Cavity Prevention in Flower Mound, TX
Do you think you may have a cavity? The sooner we treat it, the better! As was mentioned earlier, cavities can actually be reversed if you catch them early enough. Our team is here to help your family prevent cavities. Please contact Prestige Family Dentistry to schedule your next dental exam!